Wednesday, December 28, 2016


Hi guys!

after trying to edit CTF-Beautitude but not really finding oppurtunities i went really overboard and then there arised CTF-District out of the emptiness of the unreal editor space.

I don't want to go to much in depth in the map itself yet but here are the first screenshots.

It's getting close to being done but lightning and textures hasn't been set yet.

Map can be tested at:, Listed in the second list under the name CTF-District-Beta01

Thursday, December 22, 2016

CTF-KlondikeLE17 Changelog

CTF-KlondikeLE17 Changelog

- Klondike has a new look!

Klondike already had a new look made by misty. It was never really come into servers and accepted and i've redone the map in the same style. One bug misty's map had is now fixed, Those were spreaded out over the map. The bug is presented in the first picture and the 3 following pictures are the retextured part.

- Invisible Collision Hull at the windows

A spot no one ever used to his advantage and sometimes blocks off players by accident. A invisible hull has been added as shown in the pictures below.

- Lightning

Lightning has been changed slightly through the map. Red base is actually red now and blue base should be a bit easier on the eyes and makes it easier to see the enemy. (especially when they use war machine...)

- Bot Support and Pickups

In klondikeLE15 bot support,healthpacks, armor and thighpads were removed for some reason. In this version bot support, healthpacks, armor and thighpads are added back in.

- Known Bugs

Hall of mirrors in this angle. (precise)

Some more visual bugs when flying up high.

If you find any bugs please message me! I'll fix them ASAP.

Big thanks to mistybabe for originally retexturing Klondike to these bases. She changed the textures and originally thought of this design. Her mapname is CTF-zKlondikeRE

Download CTF-KlondikeLE17